surtressage sur tube
surtressage sur tube
surtressage sur tube
Promotress Products Overbraiding Overbraiding on tube

Overbraiding on tube

The manufacturing of a tubular sheath by overbraiding has for objective to protect a tube or a hydraulic hose against tears, chemical products, humidity, fire…. Depending on these objectives, different technical materials (Kevlar®, Nomex®, Twaron®, Dyneema®, fiberglass) are used, in strict compliance with the specifications.

The braided sheath is manufactured directly on the tube in our workshop in France, in the heart of the Auvergne. The braided tube can then be used in home equipment, household appliances, industrial installations… A custom braiding design is elaborated using the different colors proposed in each material, to respect the dressing of a brand or a creative project.

Our workshop is also able to manufacture a custom plactic tube by extrusion, in accordance with your technical requirements.

To request a sample or a price list, click here

Overbraiding of aramid sheath on tube
Overbraiding of polyester sheath on tube


Dimensions : Ø 6 to 25 mm
Materials : Polyester HT, Aramide (Kevlar®, Nomex®, Twaron®), Polyethylene HT (Dyneema®), Glass
Available colours : See available colors
Applications : Industry, Appliances, Lighting
Packaging : In crown or reel

Other materials, colors and sizes are available upon request.

See also